Happened at LISA

Rua Apa, 78 - Campos Elísios

The film “São Palco - Cidade Afropolitana” will be shown on 10/05 at the Quilombo Urbano Aparelha Luzia. The free event will start at 8:30 pm and feature a debate with the protagonists and directors after the screening.

Synopsis of the film:
What do African artists who arrived in Brazil in recent years carry with them on their journey? How do the African diasporas dialogue—the new creative diaspora and the one that turned the Atlantic into a cemetery? What stages are occupied, built, and filled with the performances of artists who cross the ocean? Ancestry is updated in performances that construct an Afropolitan present in a metropolis where it is necessary to be bold, to color the gray. São Palco – Cidade Afropolitana presents the city of São Paulo as a meta-stage occupied by artists from Togo, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola, among other African nations, in dialogue with the Brazilian population and its openings, contradictions and tensions.

Rua Maria Antônia, 294 Vila Buarque – São Paulo/SP

On April 25th, the film "São Palco - Cidade Afropolitana", by Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji, will be shown at the Maria Antonia University Center. The exhibition is part of the second NauCine meeting, a partnership between the MariAntonia Center and the Urban Anthropology Center (NauCidades) of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP, that aim to celebrate the 36 years of existence of the laboratory of the USP Urban Anthropology Center (LabNAU). The event will take place in the Carlos Reichenbach room in the Rui Barbosa building.


4:30 pm – Presentation of guests

5 pm - Screening of the film followed by a debate with directors, researchers and guests

Synopsis of the film:

What do African artists who arrive in Brazil in recent years carry with them on their journey? São Paulo is the stage for a creative diaspora that builds an Afropolitan present in dialogue with a country marked by openings, contradictions and tensions.

We are waiting for you!

Auditorium of the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA) - Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Favo 10

The film “A Câmara”, by directors Cristiane Bernardes and Tiago de Aragão, will be shown on 05/04, at 3 p.m., in the auditorium of the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA). After the session, a debate will take place with both directors present.

"From the depths of the Brazilian parliament, we follow female deputies doing politics. Topics such as reproductive rights, education, secular state, racism and political polarization come to the fore, as we follow these women closely in their debates and political performances.

A Câmara is an observational documentary that follows the routine of federal deputies in the 56th legislature. Filmed between May and July 2022, the film presents experiences and spaces in the Chamber of Deputies based on the presence and performances of women from different states and political spectrums exercising their mandates.”

Trailer links: vímeo e youtube  

We are waiting for you!

Santa Reparata International School of Art - Florence/ Italy

The film "Afro-sampas", directed by Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Hikiji, will be screening at the Santa Reparata International School of Art, in Florence - Italy.

The screening is part of the Black Month History Florence 2024 program, which is a project founded with the aim of producing research about afro-descendant cultures.

To discover more about the film, access here: https://lisa.fflch.usp.br/afrosampas.

To know more about the BMHF project,  check out: http://blackhistorymonthflorence.com/.

Cine Sesc - Rua Augusta, 2075

A delegation of seven representatives of the Aparai and Wayana peoples are coming to São Paulo this weekend to present their songs and launch a documentary that they recently finished. Leaders and teachers in their villages of origin, in the Amazon, they live in a region in the north of Pará, in the Indigenous Lands of Parque do Tumucumaque and Rio Paru d'Este, and will travel more than three thousand kilometers, traveling by boat, plane , car and again plane.

The group will perform on two occasions: at Sesc Santo André, on Sunday (August 13th) at 2 pm, when they will present their artefacts, songs and dances, in addition to being available for a conversation with the public; and Tuesday (August 15th) at 8 pm at Cine Sesc, when the premiere of the documentary "Bibiru: kaikuxi panema" will take place. The film has as its protagonist a dog that lost his luck in hunting and portrays his owner's attempt to cure him, while teaching young people about the ancestral values ​​of his people. The story was completely filmed by directors Wayana and Aparai in the Bona village and is part of a trilogy about the indigenous food production regimes: the first deals with fishing, the second with the collection of açaí and the third with hunting.

The film's launch will feature the presence of the main indigenous filmmakers and their partners, who will answer questions from the public. The free program is part of the Indigenous August organized by Sesc-SP, an event that features around 150 activities with indigenous peoples in the capital, interior and coast of the State.

The event is organized by Sesc-SP in partnership with the Sawe institute, the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, the Wayana and Aparai Indigenous Peoples Association, and was supported by Iepé, the Research and Training Institute Indigenous.

LISA Auditorium - Rua do Anfiteatro, 181 - Colmeia, favo 10

LISA publishes the extension course O Caminho do Alabê - Raquel Trindade's Methodology, which will take place in a hybrid form (at LISA, in person, and simultaneously transmitted online). The course will be taught by Vitor da Trindade, grandson of Solano Trindade and son of Raquel Trindade, with Elis Trindade. Stay tuned for registration dates as places are limited.

The course addresses the rhythms of the Orixás, with their dances and musical manifestations, including their influence on Brazilian Music. The motto and reference will be the instrumentalists/priests of the Orixás, fundamental in Brazilian musicality. The dialogues offered in these meetings will be based on the self-taught methodology of the Solano Trindade Family, with the fusion between theory and practice, and the proposal of movement, sound and well-being as an epistemology.

More information at https://sce.fflch.usp.br/node/5178

LISA Auditorium - Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Colmeia - Favo 10

LISA is pleased to screen the short film Jail Birds in the LISA auditorium on June 23rd at 2:30 pm. Then we will discuss the film with the presence of director Kelly Koide.


Pierre Verger Prize Exhibition - ABA Debate

Lisa-GRAVI (USP), in partnership with La’Grima (Unicamp), Sensolab (Javeriana), Labareda (UFPB) hold the Itinerant Film Exhibition of the Pierre Verger Award - ABA. Until July 1, the winning films of the 2020 edition can be watched online by requesting registration by email: lagrimaifch@yahoo.com.br

The debate with guest directors and the Open Conversation (see full schedule on the poster) will take place on July 1st, starting at 10 am. All programming will take place via the zoom platform.

Access to the zoom room will be through the link:
meeting ID: 811 4847 2207
Access password: 455948

Musicar Local Youtube Channel

The thematic project Musicar Local and the group Pesquisas em Antropologia Musical (PAM) invite you to the International Seminar Musicar Local, to be held on 06/30 and 07/1 online.

The event marks the 6th anniversary of the thematic project and aims to show and celebrate the production carried out by its members, in addition to building together with invited researchers a critical reflection on the approach developed. Registration is optional and free! Visit: https://www.even3.com.br/musicarlocal2022/ and register.

All activities will be broadcast on the Musicar Local Channel on Youtube. Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC56k45ocvHVGFckAu8EIG-Q 

More information on the website: https://sites.google.com/unicamp.br/musicarlocal

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo ( FAPESP)
Institute of Arts at the State University of Campinas (IA-UNICAMP)
Institute of Brazilian Studies (IEB-USP)
Department of Anthropology at FFLCH-USP
Research in Musical Anthropology (PAM)
Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA).

Centro Cultural Afrika (Rua Major Diogo, 518, Bela Vista).

LISA promotes the Musiques D’Afrique Festival, which will screen the film Afro-Sampas.

The event will take place from the 20th to the 25th of May at the Afrika Cultural Center (Rua Major Diogo, 518, Bela Vista).

“The festival is an event celebrating this historic day for all African peoples,

This year the celebration will be even more significant because it will take place in an Afrikan space founded and run by an Afrikan, May is to showcase our African cultural diversity, an ancestral vision of Union and celebration. Nothing better than celebrating the month of Africa at the Afrika cultural center with a super cultural program from the 20th to the 25th of May with lots of music, dance, poetry, performance and movies, check out the activities schedule”

Free entrance!